I've recently transitioned into a Marketing role dealing heavily in the coordination and marketing of trade shows. The first thing I did in my new role was get our sales guys up and running on Twitter. When it comes to social media, the baby boomers of the business usually tell me "I don't get it," or, "you'll have to do it for me." While there are great ways to automate your social media initiatives, Twitter is best used live and in action. This isn't a post to teach you how to use Twitter, but why it is crucial to utilize Twitter at trade shows because, one, it creates a buzz factor. Two, people who aren't at the show can still connect in a low cost learning environment. Three, personal meetings. Four, 'following' shows you care. Five, comarketing opportunities.
Twitter allows for you to tag your customers, vendors, suppliers, in your updates-DO IT! If they're on Twitter, they want to engage, so why aren't you? Most trade shows have a customized #hashtag that allows for visibility of other exhibitors and attendees and makes finding them simple. For example, we recently attended the MDM East trade show in New York. #Hashtag MDMEast. It's as simple as that to search and find others tweeting and engaging online about the show. The more people you engage with, the more they tag you, the more they retweet you, therefore systematically making your business the best party at the show!
Some companies have to tighten their belts and can't always attend or exhibit at the shows that they want to. Instead, they are getting in on the action and finding new resources (or suppliers, ahem, you) through Twitter while at work.
Again, by searching your trade show's #hashtag, you are able to find others that are tweeting, sharing, exhibiting, and attending the show. Why not take advantage of this and request meetings with potential clients?
Follow your prospective clients! Show that you care about their business by engaging, following, retweeting, etc. Instead of just grabbing a business card from every booth or passerby, see what social media platforms they use and follow them! What's more, they'll more likely remember you if you took your lead generation further than just grabbing their card or scanning their badge.
My favorite way to start a trade show conversation is to tag or retweet the show management company. UBM Canon is a popular one (see tweet pictured). 10 times out of 10 they will retweet you or favorite your tweet, or both-which brings us back to point #1-creating buzz.
Socializing your trade show will bring awareness to your booth and business. Sharing is caring, try it at your next show and see what kind of buzz you can create, all from the convenience of your mobile phone. What other ways have you used Twitter for lead generation at trade shows?
Happy Tweeting!
Twitter allows for you to tag your customers, vendors, suppliers, in your updates-DO IT! If they're on Twitter, they want to engage, so why aren't you? Most trade shows have a customized #hashtag that allows for visibility of other exhibitors and attendees and makes finding them simple. For example, we recently attended the MDM East trade show in New York. #Hashtag MDMEast. It's as simple as that to search and find others tweeting and engaging online about the show. The more people you engage with, the more they tag you, the more they retweet you, therefore systematically making your business the best party at the show!
Some companies have to tighten their belts and can't always attend or exhibit at the shows that they want to. Instead, they are getting in on the action and finding new resources (or suppliers, ahem, you) through Twitter while at work.
Again, by searching your trade show's #hashtag, you are able to find others that are tweeting, sharing, exhibiting, and attending the show. Why not take advantage of this and request meetings with potential clients?
Follow your prospective clients! Show that you care about their business by engaging, following, retweeting, etc. Instead of just grabbing a business card from every booth or passerby, see what social media platforms they use and follow them! What's more, they'll more likely remember you if you took your lead generation further than just grabbing their card or scanning their badge.
My favorite way to start a trade show conversation is to tag or retweet the show management company. UBM Canon is a popular one (see tweet pictured). 10 times out of 10 they will retweet you or favorite your tweet, or both-which brings us back to point #1-creating buzz.
Socializing your trade show will bring awareness to your booth and business. Sharing is caring, try it at your next show and see what kind of buzz you can create, all from the convenience of your mobile phone. What other ways have you used Twitter for lead generation at trade shows?
Happy Tweeting!